Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Slammed, swamped and overloaded...

Did I mention overwhelmed? Between my daughter needing help finishing up her English class, juggling a dozen articles and finishing up revisions on LIPS, I am just sort of tired of writing. Will get back to my blog when my fingers don't hurt.


Addy said...

First time I ran into your blog. I too, am slammed, swamped and overloaded, and I would like to add your blog as a permanent llink on mine so I can visit with you when this mom needs to rant!

Let me know what you think!

Lexi said...

Hang in there! It'll all be worth it. Just remember to take everything one hour at a time. That's how I've gotteen through many a rough patches!

Rachel Vincent said...

Relax, and have a nice break. See you when you get back.

Anonymous said...

Sending you good energy vibes, Teri :)

Faith Bicknell said...

I'm with you! I'm fazzled!