Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Super Busy!

Am trying to write articles, get LIPS and OTE out to the GH and have decided to Entery HOT in the ______ Contest.

Am changing the title from Smoking Hot to: Need some help here people. Fast!

It's set in Seattle and features a caterer who entered a locally televised cooking contest to save her ailing business, only to find out that the secret celebrity judge was the man she jilted at the airport six years before.


-If You Can't Stand the Heat...
-Judging My Heart / Don't Judge My Heart
-Made with Love
-Into the Frying Pan
-Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire
-A Pinch of Love and a Dash of Desire. (Or, since this is a series, it could be a Pinch of Love and the next book could be a Dash of Desire, except I am not as fond of a Pinch of Love as I am a Dash of Desire.)
-Seasoned with Love
-What's Cookin'?

Anything else?

Edit: Got my new Title: A Dash of Desire.

I also loved Can't Take the Heat and Kiss the Chef. I may change it again at some point, but for this contest it's Dash of Desire:)


Anonymous said...

A Dash of Desire caught my eye right away. I think that's the best of the bunch, Teri. Very catchy title and fits with your plot. :-)

Kerry Blaisdell said...

-Judging My Heart / Don't Judge My Heart
-Made with Love

Sound "inspirational" -- don't think that's what you want.

-Into the Frying Pan
-Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire

Too Tolkien/cliched. ;?)

-A Pinch of Love and a Dash of Desire. (Or, since this is a series, it could be a Pinch of Love and the next book could be a Dash of Desire, except I am not as fond of a Pinch of Love as I am a Dash of Desire.)

LOL! My thoughts exactly!

-Seasoned with Love
-What's Cookin'?

Enh. These are okay -- nothing really wrong with them -- but they don't "light me up."

-If You Can't Stand the Heat...

Of the new choices, this is the best, IMO. But how about shortening it to just Can't Stand the Heat?

Finally, personally, I still really like Smoking Hot or Smokin' Hot, and not just for personal reasons.  ;?)  If you told me why you want to change it, I've forgotten. But I still really like it!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'm no good at titles. But I like phrases broken up to title two different books.

Though, "Out of the Frying Pan" seems a little long. I love "Into the fire," but it might not make it clear that you're writing about chefs.

I'll think about it...

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Oh, man. I suck at titles. ;)

Okay, I like A Dash of Desire, too. Catchy, and hints at cooking and steam. Two things I like. :) I also still like Smokin' Hot.

Jill Monroe said...

Into the Fire caught my eye. Dash of Desire also works great!