Monday, November 10, 2008


What a weekend!

I spoke the first day... Which would have been fine except the guy I was speaking with was very popular, wore a dapper hat, had a great MG audience and a fab power point with the word POOP in it. A hard act to follow. Who can go after someone who uses POOP in a presentation? I did my best, and told everyone that my book has a few references to poop as well, though probably not in the same way. The adults laughed anyway. Then the question and answer period was great. We sat in chairs and played off one another so well I told him we should take it off the road. The Basye and Brown show. Vaudevillian writers. It was fun:)

Yesterday was my workshop and I think it went well. Once the latest trends power point was over they had questions on everything under the sun... took almost the whole hour! Plus, an editor from Darkhorse comics was there and I got some great info on graphic novels, as well.

After running down the street for a quick lunch at Burgerville (I'm sorry for all you people who don't live in the northwest to get a taste of what a burger place should be!), I went and saw my fellow class of 2k8er, Lisa Schroeder before she had to give her talk. I couldn't stay to watch her because I had to meet the fam out front so we could make it to the TSO concert on time.

So my speaking engagements are done for a while... though I have an idea for another one and need to get my brochure done so I can get it out to schools. But for now I can concentrate on my writing!


Anonymous said...

Okay, we TOTALLY have to get together for coffee. Name the day, sweetie, and I'm there.

Wordstock AND TSO in one weekend? Color me envious.

It sounds like you had a great time and I really wish I could have seen you speak.

PJ Hoover said...

I'm sure you did great! And you did it, which is even more important!
Poop :)

Lisa Schroeder said...

So glad it went well for you!!! Mine was just meh. Kids throwing bean bags before the first author talked kind of turned some folks away. I'm e-mailing some feedback today. :)

Lexi said...

Glad you had a good time! Now, back to writing work!

Keri Mikulski said...

Congrats! :) Glad it all went well. Sounds like a great day.