Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Suffer the Little Children

Some of you may recall my lovely foster girls, KK the Destroy and the Z-monster. They came to live with me for the second time last year after being removed from their mother's home yet again. They were here for three months when my mother came up with lung cancer. My dearest friend Ann couldn't stand to see them go to a stranger's home and took them in. (Like me, she had no clue. None)

That was last April? May? I can't remember. I kept in contact with the wee girls(after all, they were holding my best friend hostage) and today they go home.

Last night, dh and I went over to share ice cream with our babies and our best friends. Like Ann wrote in her blog, what are you supposed to say to them? They're excited to go home. (Kinda) You can't tell them, "there isn't supposed to be layers of filth covering the walls and floors in a home that contains lovely children." Or, "Mommies aren't supposed to smoke around children dangerously asthmatic." You can't even say, "Brother isn't supposed to be allowed to go into a rage and hurt you." That isn't what a home or a family is supposed to be like. Homes are not supposed to be filled with chaos, violence and neglect.

This past year, my dearest friend has done her level best to show them what a home is supposed to be like. Where Auntie tucks you in for naps and bed time with stories, where nutritious food is always served in as much quantity as you can eat. Where the TV is turned off in favor of play time and crafts. Where routines give structure and safety to the day. The girls are strong and healthy and, except for Z-monster's sad blue eyes, pretty darn normal.

So say a prayer for these wee girls today. They are NOT going to a better place. And say a prayer for my friend, too. It's going to be hard on everyone.

And Ann? You are forever saying how I inspire you... Let me say, you are my hero.


Heather Harper said...

You know, I have many moments where I feel totally incompetent as a parent. But even with my flaws (messy, bad cook, scatter-brained) my kids take front row seating to everything else. It breaks my heart when parents don't see their kids for the gifts they are.

Hugs to you and Anne today. And guardian angel prayers to your two girls.

Anonymous said...

This made me cry. I'm sending huge virtual hugs to you because I can't imagine how you must be feeling. What sweet little girls. I wish... actually, I do know how you're feeling. Been in a similar situation. Helpless.

I'm sorry.

PJ Hoover said...

This must be heartbreaking for you. It's bad enough for me just reading about it.
Sending happy thoughts their way. :)

Anonymous said...

Hugs, Teri, and to Anne, too.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, your friend, and the girls. I'm gonna hope against hope that the lessons you've all taught them will stay in their minds as they tackle an uncertain future.
-Nancy Viau


Jessica Burkhart said...

I'm thinking about you, Teri! Stay strong.

Barrie said...

Oh, this is so, so sad, Teri. :(

N.A. Nelson said...

Prayers, hugs and strength to all four of you.

Annie said...

I'm just too sad to know what to say...

Keri Mikulski said...

Wow, those beautiful little girls are in my prayers. Kudos to you and your friend for taking care of foster children. Sending lots and lots of hugs.

Ellen Booraem said...

I am sending waves of admiration and solace across the country to you and Ann.

You two have given those girls an interlude of warmth and comfort, and a taste of life's possibilities. That has to help them get through the rest of this crap.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you, your friend, and those little girls. This is so very sad.

Shannon McKelden said...

I feel like I know the girls from way back when you took them in. They've grown so beautiful and loved...all because of you and Ann. You both have huge hearts and you've done all you could do. They WILL remember, and they will look back and be thankful.
