Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Check me out

I'm being interviewed by my chapter mate, Genene Valleau here. Also my friend Barry Summie is celebrating her debut release here. I So Don't Do Mysteries sounds like a great book!

And I need you all to help me... I have to have fifty more pages of my WIP by the 5th of January. Yes, through Christmas, my birthday, anniversary, work, etc.... but I can do it.

Anyway. That's the plan.


Jen said...

Absolutely you can!

Jessica Burkhart said...

Of course you can do it, Teri!!

Anonymous said...

50 pages by Jan 5? That's 18 days of M-F, if you add in weekends, it's 24 days (minus Christmas). That's 2.1-2.7 ppd. You can TOTALLY do that!

And we'll go out for coffee when you're done! Deal?

If you need me to, I can even do a little cheery for you every day. It will go like this:

Go, Teri, Go!
Write, Teri, Write!
Go, Teri!
Write, Teri!
Go, Write, Go!

Lisa Schroeder said...

If anyone can do it, you can!

Is this for Pulse or ???

Good luck!