Monday, December 08, 2008

Fast Cars and Linoleum Glue

The title says it all, folks. Somehow my weekend plans of finishing chapter four got lost between the car show and remodeling. Oh, not to mention putting my husband's five gazillion fishing poles up on craigslist, (Yes, he is aware of this, I'm not doing it in a fit of marital pique)and loading my father in laws digital picture frame which was supposed to have been done in September on the date of his actual birthday.

Yesterday, I spent the morning trying to peel up, inch by painful inch, the gluey linoleum backing still stuck to the bathroom floor. This is the same substance used by NASA to put together the space shuttle. I also think it's the base for that horrifying diaper rash ointment, Desitin, that once rubbed on a baby's bottom, NEVER EVER, comes off. In fact, I think there's still traces of it on my daughter's seventeen year old tush. At any rate, I worked for hours on the floor and only managed to get off a 2 by 2 foot square, even with the help of another toxic substance that had me seeing pink elephants by the time I was done, Krud Kutter. (And no, I wouldn't make that up. That's it's real name.)

Then there was the car show where I got to see all my Xcessive Speedz peeps. They took home four trophies! Woot! Including Most Charitable Club, which is something they really wanted. I know for a fact they are the greatest people on earth because not only are they helping me with my WIP, they are also giving a mini car show at the community center and bringing all the kids toys! The show was a blast. Loud, exciting, and I got my first glimpse of some car hos... I wanted to go interview them, but my daughter wouldn't let me., In fact, she pretty much kept a tight grip on my arm the whole time. I was like a kid in a candy shop:) Here's some car pix...


Heather Harper said...

I see pink elephants everyday.

(I have a Vera Bradley pink elephant purse.)


Good luck with that floor, Teri.

Keri Mikulski said...

Hubby loved the car pics. :) Good luck with your floor.

sell cars online said...

i love the and my dad usually go for car shows because we both love cars.