Wednesday, February 08, 2006


My to do list is scary this week. And as it's weds I'd best get started.

I did finish chapter 2 on lips! YEAH! I have a bunch of revising to do but may set it aside in order to move onto three cause I that was on my list too. I usually don't write that fast, but I am really wanting to push this one to the end. Also, just because I am stoopid, I took another article due the fourth week of Feb. That makes, um, five that week. I must be nuts.

I managed to knock off another entry for a contest I am judging. I was going to do another one, but the first sentence was so adjective laden and full of word pictures that my head actually blew up and I had to put it back together again. After that I was ready to go to bed. Putting your head back together is hard work.

I have about a gazillion sources to contact and send interview questions to. I would love to get one of those articles knocked out this week to take some of the pressure off. I also have to crit my Cp's third chapter.

Hmmmm. I think I liked it better when I was talking about how I finished chapter two instead of dwelling about what I have yet to get done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo on finsihing chapter two, Teri :)

And Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter.