Sunday, February 19, 2006

Eating Gena's Dust.

No, I am not admiting defeat.

I did manage to polish off two articles this morning and turn them in a day early, much to my editor's delight.

Now I can work round the clock!

But she's definitely ahead of me. But I did manage another chapter today. Unfortunately, it was a short one. Only sixteen pages. But I did have the two and three page articles to do ahead of that so I think I did great.

Basically, I have written four chapters in four days. And even if I am eating Gena's dust... that is phenomenal.

Still writing.

Rachel, root for both of us. We are both winners here.

(spoken like someone who knows she's going to lose!)


Anonymous said...

LOL, Teri }:)

Rachel Vincent said...

You got it!

Go Teri!
Go Gena!

Everyone else, just run! Quick, before the insanity spreads...

Faith Bicknell said...

I'm editing for Wild Child and the soon-to-be launched Freya's Bower, doing a final edit on one of my novels, writing my current wip... Gah! I need a break.

Kudos on the progress!

Betty S said...

Don't feel bad.
A lot of us eat her dust on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! Whole sale radar detectors