Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Writing This Time... Promise!

Actually that's a lie. More on reading, which as at least writing related!

The book I picked up was Once Upon Stilettos. Wonderful, fab, can't say enough. I love the concept of these books. Very different and highly entertaining. Her characters are wonderful.

I won a contest and got my prize in the mail a few days ago. Flirting With Forty, by Jane Porter. If you haven't read this book yet, grab it. I lurved it! It really resonated with me, having turned forty last year. It was romantic and introspective and had a lot of very true things to say on being forty, sex and motherhood, as well as dreaming and wanting more. Knowing the inside story added to the charm of the book. Suffice it to say, the author met and fell in love with a surf instructor, much as the heroine in the book did. Her descriptions are wonderful and I wish I could write more like she does. Can you tell I loved this book? I stayed up till one am last night to finish it and, as you know, I really need my sleep. Was so worth it though, except now it's done. Sob.

Okay, Have to get the children in bed. Blessed Bed. So I can write!!!

Oh, my CP loved my first chapter of HOT. YAY. Maybe I can write an adult contemporary!

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