Monday, August 14, 2006

On the Home Front

Had the entire weekend to myself. Well, almost. They came and got the kids on Saturday about 2 pm and from then on out it was just me and my kids. My husband had a wedding to attend so the kids and I went to our favorite Chinese food and talked about the situation. The mom went to court on Friday and turns out they want her to do more work. The caseworker called and begged us to keep them for 45 more days. Sigh. We were counting down till September first. This would put it at the end of September. Basically, the boy would be starting first grade and then moving to another school in about two and a half weeks which doesn't make sense to me if they are going to just give them back to mom anyway. There is a family meeting on Wednesday that I want to attend so I can make that point known to them. At any rate, the caseworker asked if we would take them if the state provided childcare for the two girls as well as the boy, (until he starts school) And promised that they would be able to go to Grandpa's place every weekend.

I had mixed results from my kids. My son was okay with it. He figured that if they are gone almost everyday and over the weekends so we can kind of get back to our own lives, he would be able to do it. My daughter was adamantly opposed. She wants them out of the house, like, yesterday.

Then the kids and I went to the book store where we bought a few study books for my daughter and Reality Chick for me. My daughter spent Saturday night with a friend and was taking off for the beach with friends on Sunday and my son took off for North Dakota for a week 4am Sunday morning so it was just me and my dh and the book. Was fabulous. Read it in one sitting. I should have been writing in HOT, but couldn't put the book down. Rounded out the day by running errands with my husband and relaxing.

My daughter takes off on Thursday for camp. Then the boy gets in and we have to bring him home, dust him off, repack and drive him to camp with his friends. But... they are taking the kids again this next weekend so I will have another whole weekend to myself. I promise to write that weekend.


Anonymous said...

What a tough, tough situation with no easy choices, Teri. HOpe it all works out well in the end.

Oooh on the great book! Isn't it fun when you read one that you just love?

I hope your upcoming weekend is fabulous!

Rachel Vincent said...

You guys are saints, and I'm sure your efforts mean the world to these kids. Or at least, they will someday. ;-)

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