Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Revisions and Deadlines, or Mama Needs a Brand New Hook!

I finished most of my articles for the month. Have two more which have to get done ASAP and I have three due in the first week of April. Go Teri!

I am in the midst of revisions. Dash is coming along nicely. Am on the fourth chapter of my read through/revising and my wonderful CP's are having a field day with the rest. Have been telling the writing gods that they can make up for my lack of GH nom with a request, but haven't heard yet.

Had a wonderful phone meeting with my agent about the revision letter from the woman I hope and pray will be my editor someday. We took what was concrete from the letter and made a list of possible changes. Number one is from first person to third. Dream editor didn't think first was right for this story and really wanted to see it in third. So yeah. Actually, I went through it and made the change yesterday and also made notes for the next change-- deeper characterization. This one will be interesting, as will the other added scene. At the beginning of the book. So, basically, a brand new hook. I have some ideas but nothing really strong enough. MY CP gave me an idea that might work... I just need to find a way to add oomph. Beginnings must have oomph. Anyway. That's what I'm up to for the next week or so. What about you all?


Kerry Blaisdell said...

Good on you! Can't wait to read the d*mn thing. ;?)

Amanda Ashby said...

Good luck with the revisions, Teri. Jenny has the knack of absolutely nailing these things so I'm sure that you'll have no problems (apart from finding the time!!!)

Rachel Vincent said...

Wow, a revision letter sounds promising! I have my fingers crossed for you!

stephhale said...

I have the flu. I'm fairly certain I'm dying.
Good luck with the revisions.


Elisabeth Naughton said...

So excited about your revision request. Good luck!!!

Sara Hantz said...

Yay, Teri! Fingers crossed it all works out for you.

Tempest Knight said...

Ah... editing hell! Have fun! :)

Jenna Allen said...

First to third is hard! Good for you for trying :) A writing friend was asked to do that when her book was passed from NEXT to Supers...her debut novel is out next month! It can work for you too!

Anonymous said...

Sending you good vibes for the revisions :)