Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sooo Much

So much going on, so little time with which to explain...

1. I ran off track yesterday. Which means I ran on an actual road with actual hills. And I did great. Ran for about 30 minutes. It felt awesome!

2. My interview went well. I don't know if I have the job, but I do have new fans. They thought I was hysterical. I think maybe I over did it. I couldn't help it! I was nervous. The job is basically an office job, but it's at a homeschool resource center. I can't believe how big it is... they offer over 92 classes a week and the community has over 600 students, family members and staff. Wow. I would have loved to have something like that when I was homeschooling! I would like the job, but really, I'm good either way... At this point, I'm just waiting for God to open whatever door he wants me to go through.

3. In the last four days, I have received five nonfiction assignments... is that a sign? I thought the market was drying up...

4. I am taking college placement tests today. Yes, I think I'm going back to college to get a degree in Drug and Alcohol Counseling with an emphasis in prevention. I would really like to work with teens as well as write for them.

How am I going to do all this and write too? Plus cook and clean and continue to mother my kids until they leave the roost? Well, I am pretty confident that it's doable. One of my dear friends, Linda Sherwood, actually went back to school and got her masters while working three part time jobs and raising four young children. Three part time jobs come up to more than one full time job. And all of her kids were in sports, so often times that meant running to more than one town in an afternoon... and she lives out in the wilds of Michigan where towns are fifty miles or more apart. If she can do that, surely I can handle a job, nonfiction, school, novel writing, promotion and a family, right? Right?

Plus, who knows, a door might shut at any moment, relieving me of something. Right now, everything is kind of up in the air, and, oddly enough, I'm okay with that.


Heather Harper said...

WOW. Just wow...

I need to stop bitching about my own schedule. ;-)

PJ Hoover said...

You have a great attitude, Teri! Love it!
And congrats on the running :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Heather. WOW.

Anonymous said...

Holy Tamoley! You are one busy lady. Congrats on the interview, even if you don't get the job. I think if they like you, that's half the battle. After all the years of homeschooling, an office job should be a piece of cake. I turned in an app for an office job in the school district here. We'll see what happens.

We had a small homeschool program here for a while, about 200 students, a dozen classes or so. It was great. I taught there for a year and was sad when the funding dried up.

Yay for running off-track. My knees hurt just thinking about it. And super-yay for the nf assignments. If you're getting jobs in a tough market, it just speaks to your skill. Go, you!

Someday, when I'm sure 9 is going to stay in public school, I'm going back for my MAT. Kudos to you for going back. Go, girl.

Lexi said...

You are in a great place!

Linda Sherwood said...

:) Yeah, but I did it by telling myself "Teri is busier than I am." LOL

Keri Mikulski said...

Wow, Teri!! Everything you're doing is amazing. You go!

BTW - Did you ever run a 5K for charity? If you're running 30 minutes, you're ready.. Let me know if you run one or if you're interested. I run them all the time, well kind of, and would love to talk.:)

I love your attitude. Whatever door God opens.. I need to think more like you. :)